YAY!!!! MY 100th VIDEO UPLOAD!!! THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR WATCHING MY VIDS!!!! The link to download this house is over here: www.thesims3.com As a few people guessed correctly, I was to build a beach house. And build a beach house I did! However, it was supposed to be an actually fully fledged house but based on the complexities and lot size restricitions, I downgraded to a holiday house. I also decided on "experimenting" with colour with each section of the house a different one, I personally like the Blue the most. I forgot to allow sound to be recorded so I had to use music from previous sims, brings back lovely memories! As I said in previous videos I'm getting repetitive with furniture sets and styles, particularly the wood thing. Get used to it until the next pack comes out, and I refuse to spend copious amounts of money in the store (although the Ultra Lounge set is verrrrrry tempting) I tried to make a lowered living room but there wasn't enough space to fit it all in so I'll do it next hosue The house took 2 hours and 3 minutes to build and furnish. It costs 000 furnished and 000 unfurnished. Enjoy!!!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
is this for the computer?
@rubberdukiey lol me too, but i can’t cuz i lost the second cd of the 2-set of the deluxe version D’:
this music makes me want to go play Sims 1
@LuigiRules get it, life’s a BEACH house.
@LuigiRules how did you get to build on the beach? Is this PC only? You get like 3 different houses on xbox to choose from, gets so lame and boring after like 1-2weeks in the same house seeing the same shit. Only 1 town too, or is there some way to excess more areas?
dude this house is epic
ah, the memories will always remain (sims 1 music)
Nice house so far, 5/5
I love this song.(Its from the SIMS isnt it?) I could listen to this song forever and prolly not get bored with it haha!! Jk i would after a while!! Nice house by the way, Your quite good at making these! (=
nice house! but i forgot, how is it that you make the windows the same shade of brown as the door? or with any other objects….:/
sweet! can u make a science lab?
i cant seem to get that spot why cant i
when you customise the patterns of your objects does it tend to take whil to load? becuas emine takes ages
I love big houses, but small ones are way better! There more cozy. Big ones just get too…well big! And also the bill goes wayy down!
omg the music from the sims 1
10 years old and stil awesome
Where do you find the music from the first sims game??? I’ve been wanting to find those piano songs cuz I found those to be Rlly good, plus it gives me some Rlly good memories :’)
Where do you find the music from the first si
I wanna cry when I hear this song.. i want to go back
First house i made glitched.. So when the sims go to the basement they somehow get stuck down there… One sim pissed
What Lot did you use in sunset valley??
hay can you build elivaters in the sims 3? if you can can you build a houes with one in it. it can be anything but has to have an elivater in it. (sorry for bad speeling)
you always make nice houses but terrible living space (not very much room) lol
i probably couln’t do better though so very nice job =D
sims 1 song
This makes me think about when i was 9
good good memories xD
I still know the song by heart!
isnt this house quite ssmall?
did i ever tell you how AWESOME YOU ARE